@article{oai:meiji-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000001, author = {大永, 慶子}, issue = {25-26}, journal = {明治国際医療大学誌, The Bulletin of Meiji University of Integrative Medicine}, month = {Mar}, note = {精神科熟練看護師の看護観の変遷のプロセスを明らかにすることを目的にした.精神科熟練看護師1 名にライフストーリー・インタビューを実施し,看護観の変遷のプロセスについて語られた箇所を再構成した.その結果,看護観の変遷のプロセスは 6 つの局面にまとめることができた.1.専門学校卒業時代:看護観の形成期,2.神経難病病棟時代:看護観の揺さぶりと葛藤,3.精神科病棟時代:内省からの気づき,4.時代の変化:看護観の転換期,5.医療観察法病棟時代:看護観の確立期,6.現在:看護観の成熟期である.このように,最初に形成された看護観は葛藤を孕んだ状況に直面し何度も揺らぐ体験をしながらも,看護実践を重ね体験と向き合い,その意味を考え続け自分はありのままでいいと確信をすることで深まっていったことが明らかになった., The aim of this study was to clarify the process and driving factors of changes in the nursing philosophy of an expert psychiatric nurse. We conducted a life story interview of an expert psychiatric nurse and reconstructed interview segments including the parts where the process and driving factors of changes in the nursing philosophy changes were described. As a result, the process of changes in the nursing philosophy could be divided into the following six stages: 1. The stage of graduation from a vocational school—formation of a nursing philosophy; 2. The stage of working in a ward for patients with intractable neurological disorders—stirrings of and conflict in the nursing philosophy; 3. The stage of working in a psychiatric ward—noticing via introspection; 4. Changes of times—the turning point of the nursing philosophy; 5. The stage of working in a ward for patients hospitalized based on the Medical Treatment and Supervision Act—establishment of the nursing philosophy; and 6. Present—maturation of the nursing philosophy. These results showed that the nursing philosophy formed initially was deepened by enriching experiences in the nursing practice, facing with conflicting situations and repeated experiences that stimulated the nursing philosophy, continuing to think about the meaning of those experiences, and eventually being convinced that there was nothing wrong as she was.}, pages = {1--8}, title = {精神科熟練看護師における看護観の変遷のプロセス ―ライフストーリーから探る―}, year = {2023} }